Celebrating Sire Friends

Our pool of Sire friends are as versatile as our instruments. It is very interesting to learn that our followers and users are composed of different types of players with inspirational personalities, playing various genres, coming from different backgrounds, ages, and nationalities.

Sire’s electric guitar collection, the Larry Carlton signature series, consists of models that are excellent to hear when played for most of the classic genres like rock, jazz, pop, and many more. The Sire team together with Mr. Carlton made sure that we can cater most of the sound requirements of the guitarists when recording or playing live.

Our Sire friend, Joko Reantaso, an artist/composer from Southeast Asia has a collection of the first Sire electric guitar models but according to him, the one that connects well with his heart when he makes songs or performs live is our Sherwood Green Sire S7. It is our S-shaped electric guitar built to blend with various kinds of music from any generation. That’s why it matched well with Joko’s personality.

Undoubtedly, Marcus Miller’s favorite Sire bass, the Sire V7 vintage is flexible in terms of features and the sound it gives. Although Mr. Miller is best known for playing jazz music, his influence is extensive, making him a legendary icon of the jazz world industry and the bass community.

Surprisingly, our Sire friend, Leon Philipsen uses the same model, Sire V7 Vintage but plays different genres, too, besides jazz. Philipsen is an artist/ music producer from the UK and adores his Sire basses’ ability to produce tones best fit for the music he creates.

These are just two among our newest Sire friends. Watch out for the upcoming blogs as we increase and make new friends making the music experience joyful with Sire!